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Our Mission
Promote exercise science, physical activity and fitness in the health and medical care of children and adolescents
Our mission is achieved through:
Our biennial conference
Our Trainee awards
Sedentary Kids: The Health Impacts of Sedentary Behaviour On Children and Adolescents
February 15, 2021
By NASPEM member, Dr. David Dunstan Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organisation on March 11, 2020, preventive measures …
COVID-19, Exercise, Children and their Developing Immune System
January 1, 2021
By NASPEM member, Dr. Shlomit Radom-Aizik Emerging epidemiological reports on the coronavirus (COVID-19) in ...
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Why Should Clinicians Care about Pediatric Exercise Science?
December 1, 2020
By NASPEM member, Dr. Webb Smith At its very core pediatric exercise science much ...
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