
Sedentary Kids: The Health Impacts of Sedentary Behaviour On Children and Adolescents

By NASPEM member, Dr. David Dunstan   Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organisation on March 11, 2020, preventive measures such as home confinement and social distancing have become the new ‘norm’ around that world. Despite the effectiveness of such measures for virus control, legitimate concerns have been raised about […]

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COVID-19, Exercise, Children and their Developing Immune System

By NASPEM member, Dr. Shlomit Radom-Aizik   Emerging epidemiological reports on the coronavirus (COVID-19) in children show that they are less likely than adults to be infected and have severe illness. Why do young children seem to be less affected by COVID-19? While there is currently no scientific-based data to answer this crucial question, researchers

COVID-19, Exercise, Children and their Developing Immune System Read More »

Why Should Clinicians Care about Pediatric Exercise Science?

By NASPEM member, Dr. Webb Smith   At its very core pediatric exercise science much like general pediatric medicine is focused on assessing and promoting child health and wellness. The field of pediatric exercise science has grown tremendously over the last thirty years with more research available now than ever. A few things have become

Why Should Clinicians Care about Pediatric Exercise Science? Read More »

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